Friday, April 11, 2008


For some strange reason I was fascinated by this story. It really sends your senses reeling.  I mean, it's like being told not to stare but you can't help yourself. For some, this is a grotesque fairground sideshow....I can see the picket lines now already forming outside the hospital where he/she will give birth. For others, it poses some deep questions about society, faith. 

I first was made aware of Thomas Beatie by another blog spot and then simply HAD to watch on Oprah the Great. To be honest, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. A woman who doesn't want to be a woman, so she becomes a man, legally. Now I understand the whole transgender thing....well I say understand...but I should clarify. I am a man and have never felt the need to be a woman...well except for that one weekend in....but I digress. But seriously, I can grasp the concept of transgender as a generic statement. All of it's evolutions can be rather maddening at times and this particular gestation has me all in a quandary. What I can't figure out is Mr. Beatie, in his need to become a man, allows for the option of children and using his womb as the surrogate for life....that was a tough sentence to write. The idea of wanting to be a man yet finding it a "human want" to have children. I agree that men and women alike want children but I, for one, have never had an urge to birth a child. And how that might happen sounds rather painful....I wouldn't bounce back from that sort of thing! The line seems to be blurry here and I'm simply looking for clarification. 

Believe me, I'm the last to judge on things like this. It just seems to me that if you want to be a man then be a man....scratch, spit, belch, do cross stitch, learn to play an instrument, decorate your living room, bake a know, all those things that make a man a man. If you want to be a woman then be a woman and all those things like playing softball, shopping at home depot, etc. But creating a new hybrid species should be left to the car manufacturers and not mankind.

That is all...

1 comment:

Kristen Butler said...

THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!! Mom and I cracked up!!! Your blog is much more funny than mine!!!