Friday, April 11, 2008


So I'm on vacation. Well I'm not in some exotic location. I opted to remain here, the conservative bastion of the west...and no, I won't be touring Focus on the Family! Interesting thing about vacations when you don't go's kinda boring actually. At least if I were at some exotic location I would be out and about discovering new cultures, new ways of life...I miss India. But alas, I'm here. I've caught up on spring cleaning...on laundry...and on relationships gone astray...I miss my illegitimate children! The sad part about this whole vacation thing is that none of my peeps, or for you less socially adept and hip people, my friends, aren't available to play during the day. So I'm left with nothing else to do but to play with my Wii (thats pronounced in the noise one makes going down a hill....wee). And for those with a depraved mind, it is a gaming system of the lineage of Nintendo. I have become quite good at it....I miss my mind! 

This weekend should prove to be a hoot. I don't have to be up on Sunday morning this week so the entire weekend is mine to do with as I see fit. I don't think strip clubs will be involved but one never knows! Oh come on, I'm just kidding....I miss my stripper! I tried stripping once...I miss college!

Well all in all it's been a good week thus far. It's only snowed and been overcast everyday except one and that was the day I worked half a day. The weather man said it should be in the 60's and 70's by Monday. By frackin Monday! Fracking is a derivative of a commonly used american expletive generally associated with those familiar with Battlestar Galactica. Its usage is much the same as its american counterpart.  For example, "Holy frack that's huge!" or "That's not my fracking fault your husband is fracking his secretary's boyfriend!" And so on and so forth.

That is all....

1 comment:

Alice the Brit said...

You are so flipping funny Marc, I miss you bunches and bunches.